Physiotherapy @ Castle Clinic

Jonathan Rebanks BHSC (Hons) Physiotherapy MCSP HCPC
Jonathan has worked within physiotherapy for 20 years. Within the NHS he gained experience in a variety of specialised rehabilitation settings including musculoskeletal, neurosciences and respiratory. After moving into private practice in 2007 Jonathan has focussed on musculoskeletal and neuromuscular treatment of a wide range of conditions and injuries. This has contributed to his ongoing and continued development and learning of skills in applying knowledge of anatomy and physiology with human movement systems to rehabilitate clients to optimal physical function.
A particular interest of Jonathan's is neuromuscular awareness and control for maximised physical movement and action. A majority of injuries or physical impairments are as a result of activity on a suboptimal movement system. Through specific assessment and examination physiotherapy can determine the why behind the dysfunction and how we can correct it.
Using a combination of effective alignment and positioning corrections alongside sensorimotor muscle activation and recruitment achieves a stable yet mobile human structure which in turn can produce increasing physical capabilities. This is an integral part of any physiotherapy input to provide symptom relief, long term management of conditions and optimal function for everyday life and chosen interests.